Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cardboard Canoe Challenge

Total Achievements: 12
Align Left

Design Achievements
  • Big Brain (The individual student with the most brainstorms listed will earn a bonus achievement.) (
  • Define the Problem and Brainstorm Solutions (State the problem you are designing a solution for. list at least 20 ideas regarding your solution.)
Problem: Build a cardboard raft to make it across the pool (25+ yards).
  1. roll up cardboard
  2. make cardboard rolls large for more buoyancy
  3. more surface area
  4. double layer perpendicular rolls
  5. go to recycling depots to get free cardboard and have an ample supply
  6. duct tape individual rolls to make for water tightness
  7. inspect rolls for clean and smooth taping
  8. consider testing raft in outside pool to see if raft/boat will withstand water and float
  9. build boat to common house design, square bottom and triangular top
  10. build boat with thin walls to reduce supplies
  11. let raft walls be open so water can freely go in and out of raft
  12. duct tape every part of raft
  13. use outriggers for balance and buoyancy
  14. narrow body for speed through water
  15. duct tape inside of boat
  16. make duct tape rope to pull boat/raft
  17. duct tape paddles
  18. inject helium for more buoyancy (if air tight)
  19. V shaped bottom
  20. flat bottom
  21. make outrigger arms out of strong cardboard so they don't bend under pressure
  22. make outriggers bigger than actually boat so they keep the boat out of water more easily
  23. make outrigger design hull deep so that it can hold more weight and put less stress on outriggers
  24. put outriggers close to boat to ensure they get best results
  25. put outriggers directly on boat
  26. put outrigger at 3/4 height of boat wall so that it helps keep the boat from dipping to much into the water
  27. use outriggers on flat bottom design
  28. use weekends to gainmore building time
  29. learn what worked and didn't work from the previous cardboard canoe challenge
  30. come up with as many variations to have the best idea of what might work and possibly combine some ideas
  31. treat every idea as if it is plausible
  32. study some of the best light boat designs used in the commercial industry
  33. found out what duct tape works best in water (some have different types of water resistanceand stickiness
  34. consider pushing rather than pulling raft or boat
  • Criteria & Constraints (List or reference the specified Criteria and Constraints you're designing for. List at least one implied criteria. List at least three implied constraints.)
  • Build a watercraft that allows you to traverse the CHS swimming pool.
  • Your "boat" must float at least one student through the course of the competition.
  • Protect your workspace from damage!
  • Implied- keep your area clean
  • You may only use Cardboard and Duct Tape for this event.
  • All Staples or other foreign material must be removed from your cardboard. If we trash the pool, we will not be invited back for other activities during the year (yes, we have other activities in mind for 2nd semester).
  • Cardboard must meet our quality standard and be approved by the instructor (more info to follow)Each boat must have a minimum of a 3" tall "sidewall" (no completely flat designs).
  • All exposed cardboard must be covered in duct tape (this will reduce cardboard disintegration in the pool).
  • Each team will be provided one "versa table" cardboard box piece and two 60 yrd rolls of duct tape.
  • Any materials beyond this (likely need more cardboard) need to be resourced by your team
  • Implied- Build boat in time given
  • Implied- Include each member in part of the boat.
  • Implied- Don't leave a messy work station.

  • Sketch Ideas (Draw 3 different sketches for possible designs. Label at least 3 key features for each sketch. Describe the feature's functionality so a viewer understands why the called out feature is important.)

  • Select an Approach (Generate feedback (+, change, ?, !) and make a decision matrix regarding your sketches/prototypes. Specify the approach you've chosen and justify your selection.)
+ allows for water in to leave and enter
+ doesn't tip
! Buoyancy
! check for bad tape jobs
∆ bigger rolls of cardboard
∆ lots of ducttape
? how well will it flow?
? will the duct tape hold?

Build Achievements

  • Build It! (Build your watercraft. Document it with presentable photos)

  • The Early Bird Get s the Achievement (Awarded to the team with the fastest build.)
Test Achievements

  • The Farthest (Awarded to the team that can travel the furthest.)
  • The Longest (Awarded to the team with the watercraft that floats the longest.)
  • Balance Master (Awarded if you can have at least one person stand for 5 seconds in the boat.)

Reflection Achievements

  • Feed Back (Generate ten items of feedback for your effort (from the design/build process and/or the actual product). Make sure you include at least one item of feedback in each of our four feedback areas (+, change, ?, !))

+ it floated as hoped
+ the duct tape rope held and worked
+ was able to go under water and come back up

∆ Bigger rolls of cardboard
∆ Cleaner taping job so water doesn't leak in

? Would helium actually have helped?
? Would a second row help drastically with buoyancy?
? Would bigger rolls of cardboard help?
! Check for possible areas where water could leak in

  • Redesign (If we were to do another Cardboard Canoe race next semester, what would you build? Draw from everything you experienced in your class and propose the most competitive solution. Include a sketch with key features and dimensions labeled.)
-If we did another race I would probably go with the outriggers design that I had shown in one of my sketches and worked from that idea with the knowledge of what happened on this race.
  • Make Your Own Achievement!
Submarine- Submerge your boat completely under water and bring it back up, if its still able to float then you have completed the challenge.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not quite sure why there are white bars over some of my text and I also wasn't able to change the color or size of any of the text, it kept changing it back to the normal size and color.
