1) The TED organization is a group that allows people to spread their ideas no matter what they are.
2) The purpose of the site is to allow anyone with the ability to access the web a chance to listen and see these ideas and they do that by allowing you to search by what the video may be considered by others, jaw-dropping, ingenious, funny, etc.
3) I like the technology section because thats where a lot of cool new technology shows up.
4) Videos like Jack Choi: On the virtual dissection, Lucy McRae: How can technology transform the human body?, Tal Golesworthy: How I repaired my own heart are all videos that someone in engineering may find interesting. They are all about problem solving which is a key feature in engineering.
-Wii remote technology can be used to make a normal white board interactive
-used technology to make glasses move the view on screen to your point of view
6) I would just have to do some research on the web in order to figure out how to use the technology and just by playing around with it, I could learn how to apply it to my life.